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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Veterans of Patriotic War are being visited.

17 January 2021 | 00:00

Employees of Gabala District Executive Power visited the homes of our veterans Amrahli Fagan Fazil, Rahmanov Ughur Vafadar, resident of Tuntul village, Aftandilov Ronaldo Apres, resident of Nij village, Rzayev Zaur Alibay, resident of Hajialili village, Gasimov Hasan Adalat, resident of Zirik village and Israfilov Rusif Mehtikhan, resident of Soltannukha village wounded during the Patriotic War battles and provided them with food aid. The visitors inquired about the problems of veterans and their families. The veterans and their families thanked the leadership of the country for the attention and care.
